Wellness & Sports
Offer your customers even more comfort and a unique after shower experience.

Guests and visitors of your facility can give up on using a towel. Pleasent - no wet towels in your sports bag.


The body dryer - a USP for your SPA, fitness centre or swimming pool.

Relaxing after workout

A new service for your clients!

Valiryo is the perfect "FINISH" of a SPA session, the towel consumption in your facility will decrease. Expand the wellness area with a new innovative extra offer, which also saves time and money. By the way, you will also be protecting the environment.

Leave the shower are dry

Dry floors in the changing rooms!

Your members/guests leave the wet areas dry, which ensures dry and clean floors in the changing room and reduces the risk of slipping.

Softer skin after just a few applications

More comfort & improved hygiene!

With Valiryo, contactless drying takes place, which leaves your skin feeling softer, gentler and more hydrated. This type of drying prevents skin diseases. Improve the wellness experience of your facilities and gain even more satisfied customers.


Prevents post sweating
After an intensive training, natural drying by air is the perfect way to prevent the annoying post-shower sweating.

Saves time and reduces the frequency of changing room cleaning!
Valiryo pays for itself quickly. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'essuyer constamment les vestiaires à sec. Facilities with towel service will see a significant reduction in "towel consumption".

For people with reduced or limited mobility
Valiryo helps people with limited mobility to dry independently, with privacy and safely.