Valiryo Neuvonta ja tiedotus

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Valiryo Neuvonta ja tiedotus

Täältä löydät tietoa ja uutisia...

In an ongoing commitment to prioritize the well-being and independence of individuals in supervised housing, FAEMA Mental Health sought innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by residents...
Valiryo is a body dryer that can be installed in the shower and facilitates drying for people with mobility problems, allowing them to dry themselves independently and reduce the risk of falling...
What is butterfly skin and how can using the Valiryo Body Dryer help people who suffer from it? At Valiryo we have always sought to ensure that our product can make life easier for people with limited mobility, who suffer...
When we reach a certain age we start to feel our bathroom differently, not so comfortable and even dangerous. And at that moment we start to think about how to adapt our bathroom so that it does not...